Given the fact that I spent a vast majority of my first year at university complaining, threatening to quit and moaning about the fact I hadn't yet made a new BFF, I thought now would be the time where I begin to dread my return to uni in October. However, I was wrong, as I'm actually looking forward to going back.
I think that all the back to school stuff in shops has made me eager to buy supplies, although I can't afford any, and there really isn't that much that I need, aside from a folder or two and a refill pad, which I bought on my occassional raid in Paperchase the last time I was in Bath. Buying school supplies was always my favourite part of going back to school, as depressing as that sounds. I love how you just buy everything all new and pristine, and it gives you a nice sense of organisation. Like I said, it's not even really necessary to buy a pencil case for uni really. Although I have one. But unlike at school where I'd get a fancy one for £4.99 in WHSmith with pockets galore, I'm reusing last year's which cost 69p in the first place and is now covered in graffiti from where I was sat in tediously dull lectures.
A few of my friends from home didn't go to uni last year because they were doing a year at college or an extra year of A-level or deffering their place till this year, and now's the time where I'm seeing people like the pages of their Freshers' events on Facebook and talking about buying kitchen supplies and other crap needed for flying the nest. It makes me feel a bit meh really, because I never got to go on the big 'kitchen shop' - I was given a load of second hand stuff.
Actually, reading that back sounds a bit ungrateful, which wasn't the intention. My mum's boyfriend moved in with her about a month before I moved out, so he had loads of kitchen stuff to get rid of, which was passed down to me. It saved a hell of a lot of money, and we did get pretty much everything we needed, but I would have liked to go on the big kitchen shop. Eeeh, one day.
I'm strangely optimistic about my second year of uni if I'm honest, although deep down I know not a lot will be different. Everyone will marry off back into their halls groups - or now rather their house groups - and I'll be feeling like an outsider once again. Still, like I said, I'm strangely optimistic. Maybe there'll be a lonely fresher in the same position as I was last year, looking for a new BFF as some of her friends at home appear to have forgotten her. Or maybe there'll be a creepy couple just like Liam and I there who aren't approached by anyone when they're together. That'll be fun. Still, one can only hope.
I'd quite like to go to some of the Freshers' events this year, because as mentioned in a previous blog, we only went to 3 of them last year. Although money probably won't allow it. Looking back I should have just gotten myself twatted at Freshers, then maybe I would have had the confidence to go and talk to people. Or puke on them. Or divulge information that I wouldn't dare bring up when sober.
I've been told several times that the second year is no doubt the hardest year. Interesting. I should keep a running total of things I did last year that I do this year - such as:
1. Threaten to quit
2. Bitch and moan that I'm having to do group work
3. Scream that statistics is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever had the misfortune to work on
4. Get upset that an essay grade nowhere near reflects the work I've put in
5. Say that the entire place is a shithole because of one or more of the items in this list
6. Cry that I'm lonely and have no friends
7. Get stroppy over having to get up early
8. Moan about buses being late/packed
9. Procrastinate working on an assessment because refreshing the Facebook newsfeed is much more interesting
10. Count the number of hours I'll sleep based on what time I go to bed
11. Tweet/state that I'm paying 6 grand a year to be unhappy
12. Tweet/state that this is the dullest lecture I've ever been in and that "I'm so bored my face could fall off"
This year I'm expecting to add "Bitch and moan at the fact I don't get to leave until 6pm" to that list now I've seen my timetable, and also "Moan that I have nothing to do in my 2 hour gap between lectures." Still, I'm pleased that I have Mondays off, and also the fact that despite a 9am start on Fridays, I'm finished by 10am, meaning a constant early, and long weekend.
Maybe it's just the boredom kicking in (although it's done that more than once this summer) or maybe I am genuinely excited to go back to uni. Still, I'm sure it won't be long before "University Misery Bingo" starts up again.