Feeling incredibly pissed off at the moment. So, in the spirit of feeling pissed off, I've come up with my list of pet hates. Enjoy and think "what a miserable twat."
1. People disappearing off MSN without saying goodbye - Yes, I understand that sometimes people's computers crash or their internet cuts, it happens to me sometimes, but jeez, it's just rude.
2. People Who Write Like This, With A Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Every Word - Usually done by girls who I don't like, and who don't like me back. For God's sake, learn some punctuation please.
3. Small Talk on MSN - "Hey." "Hi." "How you doing?" "I'm good you?" "I'm good" "Good." Ugh, it's so annoying. Especially when you don't really want to talk to that person.
4. Antibiotics - Had to take a lot of these lately and they piss me off so much. They fuck up one of the tablets I take which is annoying, they usually make me feel sick and half the time I'm always given the wrong ones.
5. Various people in my year and the year below - I won't give specific reasons why, but I will say this: grow up for God's sake!
6. The "fair enough" response - What does that even mean? Are you pissed off? Are you glad? WHAT???
7. Channel 4 putting adverts into a show 5 minutes before it ends - You get my hopes up that Desperate Housewives will be on after the adverts, then you go back to Grand Designs or some shit like that.
8. People immediately deciding they don't like me just because I swear - My mum was seeing a guy who dumped her because he didn't like me swearing. Wanker needs to understand that teenagers swear.
9. Cramped cinemas - Not a problem at the good cinemas like The Odeon, but my nearest cinema is awful for this. 2 screens and you practically have to fight for a seat if it's packed. And it's confusing which screen you're in. When I went to see New Moon, I left during the trailers to get popcorn and wandered back into 2012 by mistake.
10. Kids who think they're hard - Kids at my school are awful for this. We have girls with orange faces and Jane Norman bags and large hoop earrings, and boys swearing their heads off and beating the shit out of each other in the corridoors. And they're just the year 7s. About 20% of the kids in my school aren't like this.
There are more, obviously, but I won't go on seeing as I can't remember many more and I'm also getting quite tired.
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