It's been a while since I last wrote, so here goes. So basically, I gave up with my exposure therapy. Mainly because I was never contacted to get another appointment because the system at my old GP surgery was lets face it, fucked up.
Anyway, I got into the University of Northampton with some surprisingly good grades, and I'm now living in a privately rented flat with my boyfriend. Aah, all grown up now.
Anywho, in terms of uni, things are moderate. I've had some serious ups and downs in the last couple of weeks, in terms of making friends and getting on with the work. The course I actually haven't found that bad, just one module involves far too much maths for my liking (for those interested, I'm studying BSc Psychology and Counselling). In terms of friendships, I don't believe that the friends you make at uni are your friends for life. Mainly due to the fact I haven't made any proper ones and I'm having more contact with my friends at home. Everyone I've spoken to has said that if I stick it out a bit further, things will change, but lets face it, it's been over 3 months now. I have been hanging around with a group of lovely people, but I'm very cautious to use the word friends as I don't want to jinx things. If things keep up after Christmas, I may begin to use that term. People I hung round with at the beginning of the year were slowly referred to as friends but once I did this, I began to feel very left out and excluded, so I'm not exactly with them anymore, aside from brief hellos in the corridoors.
I think things would have been different if I'd either been in halls or a shared house. I mean, I didn't want to do that mainly because I was worried about people nicking my stuff (and yes I will also admit I was scared of any girls nicking my boyfriend because I'm a paranoid freak) and just generally being all up in my space. But in the last few months I've been seeing how close people are in their flat groups and I do begin to think I would have made some really good friends if I'd gone into halls. Don't get me wrong, I really don't regret moving in with my boyfriend, it's brilliant, and it's nice to always have someone to come home to - I'm trying to look at it from this way: I could be in halls with 8 other girls (and girls can be very bitchy) and have absolutely no friends, or I could be in a private flat, have no friends on campus, but an amazing, lovely boyfriend to come home to when I've had such a crap day. A massive thank-you to him for putting up wth so much of my tantrums and being miserable on a day to day basis!
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