I won't go into everything, as that's what my end of year blog will be for, as I did last year. These last few months have been the most prominent though.
It all started in September. The first thing that happened at the time I thought was a good change, in that I passed my driving test. After 2 and a half years of pure misery at my failures, the lovely lovely man who examined me was kind enough to pass me - a week before my theory test ran out and I would have had to start all over again. All was going well with my driving provided that you didn't include the parking. I had some nice drives around on my own, particularly to my Mum's new place which was a 15 minute drive from where we were staying, but after I stopped at Asda on the way home, one bitch decided it was necessary to yell at me about my parking and basically took a shit on every ounce of confidence I had built up over the last few days.
I basically ended up dangerously close to her car as I was reversing out (note I said close, not actually touching it) and I pulled back in because she was stood there watching me, which I'm sure many people will agree with me is terribly offputting. She then comes up to the window where I politely apologise and say that I've just passed my test and I'm not very good at parking yet. Instead I get the following:
Bitch: "Did you hit it?"
Me: "No I didn't."
Bitch: "Did you hit my car?"
Me: "I didn't, I swear I didn't hit it. I'm really sorry, I've just passed my test, I'm not so good at parking."
Bitch: "Well you need to look at the way you're fucking parking love, that's crap."
This was followed by a few more "did you hit it?" type quotes, until she eventually drove off. I tried reversing out again and by this point the woman on the other side of me had come back and was watching. Cue her coming up to my window and me bursting into tears about what this absolute cow had just said to me. Then the man sorting the trolleys comes over. I was incredibly lucky in what happened next, this lady offered to reverse out for me, but was worried about hitting her car, so the trolley man very kindly pulled out of the space and straightened the car up for me. When I told them about what this bitch had said they both sympathised and said she shouldn't have done it and that it'll get easier with time.
To the nice lady and the trolley man: thank you very much for being so nice to me and helping me out.
To the bitch who had a go at me: fuck you.
It's just over a month since that happened and my parking has slightly improved, but I wouldn't go as far as saying it's good. Oh, and I got a parking ticket too, but I won't go into that, mainly because it'll set me off on a rant about my university's parking.
Another thing that happened was my mum moved house. Not necessarily a change for me personally, but it was quite daunting at the time, given the fact that the place where she moved to was an absolute shit hole until they decorated it a few weeks ago.
Seriously, I'm talk

I felt I had been evicted from my room, as the spare room in this new place is so small it doesn't even fit a proper bed. Well, it would, but nothing else really. We do still stay there when we go home though, just on an air matress which is...nice.
As you can see, Sooty took the move very well.
Speaking of my Mum, she also got married this week. So I now have a step-dad. And a very nice one at that. It d
I also started my second year of uni this month which is...nice. Most of my current modules are all coursework based which is good news, unfortunately, all of my summer modules are not. Which sucks. Another unfortunate thing is the amount of textbooks I've been told to buy. Frankly, I don't have the money and even if I did I don't think I could physically and mentally manage to spend what would probably be about £250 on books that I'm only going to use for one term. I spent £40 on one book last year that I was told would last for the whole 3 years, but on starting this year, I was told not to use it when writing essays as I need to be using a more broad range of sources. Great. So this year is involving lots of trips to the library and spending endless time doing reading so that I have some reasonably okay notes for when I have to write assignmetns. I did that at the beginning of last year. That habit ended after about a month, so we'll see.
You'd think given the fact that I can now drive, and that most of my rants were based on having to endure a bus journey most days would lessen the amount of complaints I have, but lets just say, I can only drive to uni 2 days a week due to the fact that these are both 9am starts, and you are only able to get a parking space before 9am. 14 car parks. I have access to one of them. Super.
Looking at them in writing, it doesn't actually seem that much has changed to be honest. Still, it killed half an hour while I wrote this. Unfortunately you may have lost however long it took you to read it and probably won't get that back. My apologies. I will try and make sure my next blog is worth reading. Still, if you did read it, I thank you.
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