1. Got a job - Nearly 4 years after losing my job at Woolworths I finally got myself another job to ease the financial burden that is university. So far I'm enjoying it and have met some rather nice people. And endured some rude ones on the phone, but that comes with the job I guess.
2. First ride in an ambulance - I mentioned the incident that caused this to happen in my previous post, I won't mention it again. Although I'm secretly gutted that I was unc
3. Gained a Step-Dad - October saw my Mum and Rob getting married, again, mentioned in a previous post. A nice day overall.
4. Started my second year of university - Despite continuously saying I'd do my first year and then quit, here I am, nearly half way through my second year. I won't lie, I regret that decision. But, I may as well get a degree and better job prospects (in theory) out of my unhappiness.
5. Saw Lee Evans at the NIA in Birmingham - A brilliant night, Lee Evans is just amazing. What I love about him is that he is so genuine. At the beginning and end of the show and at the beginning and end of the interval, he was just so appreciative of people for coming and he kept saying "thank you for giving me a chance," and at the end he spend ages signing stuff and shaking hands, and even posing for pictures with people in the front row - he just seems l
6. Passed my driving test - It was my fourth attempt, but I don't care - that was the ONE thing, if any, that I wanted to do this year, and I finally did it. One week before my theory test expired.
7. Saw Avenue Q - Something that I had originally requested to do for my 16th birthday, I finally got to do for my 19th, thanks to Liam. Originally, the show was based in London, but it went on tour and luckily, came to Northampton. Came out with a lovely sense of optimism.
8. Beach trip - During one of our summer trips home, we all took a brilliant trip to Bournemouth beach. It was one of the hottest days this year and it was awesome. Although the sunburn I ended up with afterwards was not.
9. Celebrated my 19th birthday - A reasonably uneventful birthday unfortunately. Not much happened which was a little sad. Still, I got some lovely presents and had a fairly
10. Saw Ed Byrne - Bought the tickets for Liam for his birthday and we had a great night out seeing him. He was brilliantly funny, and he was even nice enough to stick around
11. Met Sooty - My Mum decided to get another cat at the beginning of the year, which saw the introduction of Sooty to the family. At first a very naughty kitten, but he's turned into a nice, cuddly kitty since they've moved house.
12. Celebrated 2 year anniversary with Liam. With roses :)
13. Russell Howard - One of my favourite moments in 2011, my first ever arena gig, travelling to the LG Arena in Birmingham and seeing Russell Howard.
14. Brought in the year 2011 still reasonably sober by dancing in The Tavern after a pretty uneventful night. Still turned out well though.
2012 is looking alright at the moment. I'm looking forward to the following:
1. 3 year anniversary with Liam.
2. Seeing Jimmy Carr in April.
3. 20th Birthday and becoming half way to 40 - or officially an adult. I'm getting annoyed with being informed that technically I'm still a teenager because my age has 'teen' in it. I no longer live at home, I pay rent, I have a job, I can drive), oh, and I'm 18 - the age when you are legally considered an adult. Although that was a pretty childish rant...
4. Finishing Year 2 of that bloody evil place. No point quitting after that when there's one year to go though.
In terms of resolutions, I'm not bothering to make any official ones. Just the usual kerbing of my swearing, stop biting my nails and try and eat healthier. I also really need to get a motorway lesson.
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