So I'm not normally one to blog on political issues, but when I saw this earlier I felt the need to point out what a stupid idea it is.
So the NHS are now thinking that it's a good idea to allow girls as young as 13 the pill without parental consent, what a FANTASTIC idea! Let's all encourage 13 year old girls to have sex, and let them know that it's okay to have sex when you're still a child, as long as you're being safe. What a load of bollocks.
When I was 13, I was into puppets (Muppets style, not those creepy Team America type puppets), Drake and Josh, and doing my homework - yes, I may have been a geek (and a proud one at that), but at least I had some self respect.
I get the logic in preventing unwanted pregnancies at such a young age, but at the end of the day, 13 year old girls shouldn't be having sex anyway, so they shouldn't need it! Considering the legal age is 16, what is the point in allowing them to have the pill before they can legally have sex?
I'm not a parent, so I don't want to tell anyone how to raise their kids, but surely if parents are raising their kids properly, this sort of thing wouldn't be necessary? Also, at 13, kids are forgetful, how many girls are going to forget to take it each day? Yes, not all tweens are forgetful little girls with their heavily foundation-ed faces, and the packet of fags they've begged the kids in the higher years to buy them just so they can look cool when they skive maths to have a smoke in the toilets, stashed away in their little "I *Heart* PB" bags, desperate to be an internet sensation in a Tulisa-style video, but lets face it, if you're 13 and planning to have sex, it's not exactly going to be for love is it?
They're also not considering the small fact that was drummed into us in sex ed - the pill won't protect you against STIs. So the NHS are basically saying, as long as you don't get pregnant, go ahead and have sex - you might get chlamydia, but at least you're not pregnant!
It seems like I'm getting old, as I appear to have turned into a parent already. Just saying, to all those 13 year old girls, stick to your love of Justin Bieber and shopping in Claire's Accessories, and don't go on the pill just because all your BFFs are on it. Much love.
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