I'm starting to enjoy personally attacking certain magazines, one in particular reminds me of that girl you used to be friends with until you started secondary school when she became a cement faced, fake nail, fake eyelash wearing Barbie doll who had nothing better to do than pick on the kids wearing glasses who did their homework rather than spending their evenings being fingered round the back of McDonald's. It's become just that.
So, just a few thoughts on what I've read recently.
Brad and Angelina spent £3,000 on a curry - Well, that's nothing new there. How about we start solving all the debt problems in this country - the world even - by taking money from those who have too much? You know the last thing I spent 3 grand on? NOTHING. I have never spent that amount of money on anything in my life. Probably because I'm only 20 and don't even own my own car yet - but still. I get under that paid into my bank account for my student loan. I don't care if they have the money for it, how about they donate that 3 grand to a worthy cause and get a £6 takeaway bag from Tesco? Oh yes, because they're better than all of us.
One of the England Euro squad has an A* in Latin - Sorry, but I just don't believe this. If a footballer was capable to get an A* in anything, they'd surely be smart enough to know that kicking a ball around a field for a stupid amount of money is not a career to be proud of. And if we're talking an A* which you can't get at A-level nor university level, we're only talking GCSE. The bare minimum qualification you can leave eduacation with.
You should always wear a condom - Well, duh. Those who think regularly taking the morning after pill and getting an abortion when you have an accident is an appropriate form of contraception ought to have their legs stapled together.
40% of men think housework is a woman's job - There's a word for these types of men. What is it? Oh yes, pricks.
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