Thursday 2 May 2013

Lifescouts: Karaoke Badge

We all love a bit of karaoke. Although no one ever takes it seriously, it's more of a drunken activity at a wedding or family party. Nothing wrong with that, it actually makes drinking quite enjoyable.

When I was a kid I used to belt out the karaoke, I remember one year getting a karaoke machine for Christmas, back when cassette tapes were around, which is just evident how long ago that actually was. Then when I was a bit older I got one of those fancy ones you plug into the TV and the lyrics come up on the screen. Wasn't really used much though.

I've always been to shy to do karaoke drunk, let alone sober so I rarely do it anymore now that I'm an adult and have inhibitions and all that crap. Although that's not to say I don't belt out a good Glee number when I've got the flat to myself. I do a kickass It's All Coming Back to Me Now. You think I'm joking. I'm really not.

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