Tuesday, 22 May 2012

100 Awesome Things - Part 2

Continuing my 100 Awesome Things series of posts. Here's 11-20.
11. The Muppets
How can anyone not love The Muppets?? My Kermit the Frog mug brought me endless cups of tea that were made that little bit better just by the fact it was in a Kermit the Frog mug...no wonder no one wants to go out drinking with me. Recently realised that Pepé is actually one of my favourite Muppets. Oh, hell with it, they're all my favourite. The movie with Jason Segel was adorably cute - and I particularly loved Jim Parsons' (Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory) cameo during the Man or Muppet number, which btw, is on my iPod.

12. The sense of excitement when you see you have a Facebook notification.
Okay, it's probably just me. That optimistic feeling that someone cares. Just me? Okay then. Although the Android app now gives you notifications when people you regularly interact with update their status. Stupid false hope.

13. Cats
I grew up with cats, and they really make your family. We had my Ozzy for six years before we sadly lost him.
14. Penguins
It's a known fact among many people who know me that  I love penguins. Pingu was always a childhood favourite. And lucky for me, Liam recently adopted me my own for my birthday.

15. The Fudge Factory
One of my favourite places is the Fudge Factory in Bath. I have never tasted such awesome fudge. If you're ever in Bath, seriously, go there. I reccomend the vanilla chocolate chip. Or, go to their website, www.sanfransiscofudge.co.uk.

16. The feeling of acomplishment when you complete an assignment
That feeling of freedom once you hit 'submit' or walk away from the assignment office empty handed. Probably the only thing I enjoy about being a student. That and a nice 10% off (sometimes 20) by flashing your ID card.

17. Sheer happiness and not giving a shit when you're drunk
We've all done it. When you get spectacularly pissed (not A&E or puking in the gutter pissed) and there is that amazing feeling where you just don't give a crap about anything else. You're just there, enjoying the moment and not worrying about the god-awful hangover you'll have in the morning.

18. Being complimented
We all love it, although most of us never know how to respond to one. Saying "thanks" and just leaving it at that or "I know right?!" just makes you seem smug, while saying "really? I think I look shit" (or whatever negative comment about yourself that applies to the context) makes you appear as if you're totally dismissing that person's most likely genuine compliment. But still, it's nice to get them.

19. When someone is genuinely nice
I get this at work now and again, speaking to customers on the phone isn't a very interesting task, but it really makes me smile when I speak to someone on the phone and they're genuinely grateful, or just plain nice. Makes my job more pleasant and it genuinely brightens my day.

20. An old cuddly toy when you feel like crap
I've had my Snoozy (a 'Little Snoozem' - I cannot find a picture of my one anywhere, not even on eBay) since I was 5 years old and she still sits on my bedside table. A cuddle from an inanimate toy when you feel like crap somehow makes you feel better. 

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