Monday, 14 May 2012

Farewell Wisteria Lane

If you're in the US, you would have seen the last ever episode of Desperate Housewives last night. However, if you're in the UK, you'll unfortunately have to wait a week or two more. Unless you're like me, and resort to watching online. Anyway, I was 12 years old when I started watching back in 2004. I remember, being sat on the sofa with my mum, who said "watch this, watch this! I heard on Richard and Judy it was good!" (anyone remember Richard and Judy? Shows how long ago this was), and it went from there. So in theory, I have my mum and I also have Richard and Judy to thank form getting me started.

Anyway, to celebrate DH having an 8 year run, I'm going to list ten of my most memorable moments from the whole series. Yeah, sad I know. But that's me.  I may give away a spoiler or two, just to warn you, but I'll try not to divulge too much. Either, way, scroll slowly.

Lynette gets baked - S4E3 The Game
Stella, Lynette's mother wants to help her daughter cope with the effects of chemo better, so she bakes her a batch of - unknowingly to Lynette - pot brownies. After eating a few, Lynette feels well enough to go to Susan's charades party, where she has to act out Hang Em High - with Edie in the room, and the subject of her suicide by hanging attempt is still one that's not talked about.

Showdown between Carlos and Gaby S3E7 Bang
Carlos and Gaby's divorce negotiations get to the point where they both end up trashing their house - Gaby calls it "helping you pack," as she smashes expensive items, Carlos calls it "helping you remodel the house," as he smashes the wall in with a hammer.

Susan and Mike get married  S3E23 Getting Married Today
 After 3 years of dragging their romance out, Susan and Mike finally tied the knot in the woods. However, we were so wrong when we thought they'd live happily ever after.

Bree's lap dance- S6E15 Lovely

Arrival of stripper, Robin on the lane gets everyone talking,  and she inspires Bree to try and spice things up with recently wheelchair bound Orson, with a lap dance - to classical music, obviously.  Needless to say, it doesn't go well.

Lynette and Tom get back together  S8E22 Give Me the Blame
After a whole year of "will they-won't they," Tom and Lynette finally get back together after Tom admits he's still in love with Lynette. It would have sucked if they split, they were the only married couple to stay together for the whole run. Sort of.   

Susan says goodbye to Mike  S8E17 Women and Death
Officially winning the prize for saddest episode ever, Susan saying goodbye to Mike was one of the most heartbreaking scenes I've ever seen, Renee's version of Amazing Grace and Susan's final goodbye of "I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than beans and rice" make for one of the saddest moments in DH history.

Susan's karaoke disaster S1E11 Move On
Susan invites Karl to Julie's birthday party at an open mic piano bar, who also invites Edie, who announces that there was an 'incident' between them while he and Susan were still married. This doesn't come at the right time, as Susan ends up challenging her anger into her rendition of New York, New York.

Gaby Vs Carlos  S4E11 Sunday
Gaby's mad at Carlos for lying to her about his blindness being permanent, and gets her payback by serving him dogfood and leaving things in his way.

Eli Scruggs - S5E13 The Best Thing That Could Have Ever Happened
While the 100th episode is probably my favourite episode of DH, the final scene where the ladies gather round handyman Eli Scruggs' coffin left me with a lump in my throat, particularly Bree fixing the flower arrangement saying "I wanted to do something nice for Eli for a change."
Hostages released from the supermarket S3E7 Bang
Another totally memorable episode, the final scene where Susan and Julie reuinite and Lynette is reunited with Tom gave the first "disaster episode" an emotional ending.

While there's many more moments I've loved throughout the 8 years, these are my personal favourites. DH has made me laugh, made me cry and has been one of my favourite shows since I was 12 years old, and I am genuinely sad to see it go.

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