Monday, 21 January 2013


Don't worry, this isn't a stupidly, annoyingly chirpy blog post all about snow and how awesome it is. It's a stupidly and trying very hard to be amusing blog post all about snow and how shit it is.

It happens every year: the whole country comes to a standstill over a bit of snow. While I enjoyed the fact that on Friday I didn't have to go to uni and that I got to leave work an hour early yesterday, I do not enjoy the constant rush of people panic buying, my post being delayed (not that I ever get anything - I'm still at that age where it's exciting to get post), and the fact that there is nothing to do at work.

I have a brother who lives in Canada, and from the pictures I've seen, they get so much more snow than we ever have - but things still carry on over there. Today, 90 schools in Northamptonshire were closed. I understand we need to keep the children safe and the staff can't make it in, but jeez, if we as a country were better prepared for snow then we wouldn't need to close the schools.

I hardly ever got snow days when I was at school (you cannot believe how old I feel just thinking about typing that sentance), the first one I got was in year 12. While it was nice to have a day off, my school wasn't the most organised - which resulted in me walking in carrying a fuck-off psychology textbook (900 pages I'm talking here), my folder for psychology (which was jam packed with all the sodding notes we had to take) and my DT folder; falling over multiple times, and getting to the locked gates only to be phone by my mum telling me they had literally JUST updated their website saying they were closed. Cue me arriving back home, soaking and freezing.

While I would have happily took a snow day if work decided to close, I just think its pathetic how everyone's lives have to stop because of a little sky jizz. I know it's dangerous at times and I'd rather not drive in it, but tomorrow I'm going to have to because of an agreed group contract that I signed saying we'd attend unless ill.

And what's with the constant photos on Facebook? Seriously LETS ALL TAKE PICTURES OF THE SNOW BECAUSE WE'VE NEVER SEEN IT BEFORE AHH AWESOME! Why?! We hardly ever get nice weather but people don't take pictures of the sun shining on their cars parked in the driveway. Okay, it's a bit pretty. But I've seen snow before, and I'm sure I'll see it again.

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