Monday, 11 February 2013

Lifescouts: Zoo Badge

I've been gutted that so many of the Lifescouts badges are things I haven't done - it just goes to show I'm an incredibly boring person.

This month is animal month and the first badge was the Zoo badge. I will try my very best to not sound like an 8 year old at show and tell: I WENT TO THE ZOO AND THERE WERE LOTS OF ANIMALS. HAHAHA.

I've only ever been to the zoo about 5 times. Mainly because the only animals I ever liked were domestic ones, cats mainly. My Dad was the person who took me on my first zoo trip, I think I was 10 or something and we went to Bristol Zoo, not that I remember it all that well. The best part was Seal and Penguin Coast, obvs.

There was a school trip I vaguely remember for art GCSE where we went to Bristol zoo but we weren't allowed to enjoy ourselves, we had to draw every animal we saw otherwise our teacher went insane. Well, my one did. But once you know how to draw a penguin and a parrot or two, you can pretty much cheat your way out of it by saying that's what you want to focus on. I remember we went into this education centre too and they brought out this huge tortoise. That was pretty awesome.

Penguin Bay at Dudley Zoo
My next zoo trip wasn't actually till last year when Liam adopted me Pingu the Penguin for my birthday and we went to Dudley Zoo, which I've mentioned in previous blogs. As much as I like Bristol Zoo, Dudley will always top it for me because their penguin bit is amazing. If you're ever near there, seriously, go. It's awesome. They have the cutest baby meerkats there too at the moment. And owls. And parrots. The parrots are beautiful. There's one place I didn't go though, and never will. That is the reptile house. I don't mind lizards and what not, but show me a snake and I would rather you beat it to death against the wall. Not that I'd even do it myself, because I hate the idea of touching one. Unlike my Dad who once stroked one when he took me to this nature centre once, who then pulled my hand onto it. Surprisingly, they're not slimey, but ewww hate the things.

So that's my zoo story. Conclusions: go visit Dudley Zoo, or Bristol. Whichever's nearest. But don't go on a school trip to one for GCSE art if you have a bitch of teacher. You will not have fun.

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